Gaia & Grayson

Yeah that threesome was :fire:
To bad Grayson just about ruined Gaia birthday party he needs to drop _____ing
Hopefully the couple will come back again
I agree with you Dunmail and Stinky240 I hope he don’t hurt Gaia cause of his _____ing

Morning all, had to leave early last night for work, but can say that was my most enjoyable threesome i have witnessed on here for a long time,the guests were great and didnt not let Graysons behaviour k__l the night.fingers crossed they return as the two women had a great connection.

I hear you. I hope that he realises that he is on live camera and should rather not hurt her.

great fun and pleasurable sex

Grayson’s action with pushing Gaia’s chair causing her to fall, for me is unforgivable. He is mature adult and to try and hurt the lady (gaia) just not the action of a mature individual
 Even the guest guy realized that cause his initial response was to maybe help her

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When did the chair pushing happen?

1:53 local.

10 aaarrgghh

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I copy the video here. POST 678

bence gaia ondan ayrılmalı

was not long after he got up from s___p
they were all sitting around the table he got up passed by where she was sitting and pushed it hard enough for it to cause her to fall to the floor

grayson ve cooper beraber yaƟasın :rage:

I just saw it. What an idiot

yes and idiot is being to nice 
 it just wrong to miss treat a lady from my up bringing

Time for Grayson to dry out, as he has been ruining most of there meetings, passing out many times in the last month. It is obvious he does not know when to stop. He is more less a party pooper.

i think they’re married. he appears to have be wearing a wedding band

Gaia için ĂŒzĂŒlĂŒyorum. o çok iyilerini hak ediyor

Real life until someone gets seriously hurt or dies. Way to go - that is what real life on VHTV can lead too. Happy subscribers but suffering participants. People expect too much from VHTV but obviously VHTV will supply all this since they control fuck all with respect to participants. Wait for s__t to happen and then react. So many fucked up heads - unreal what people want. Go ahead pay for it and keeping watching - your real life drama will eventually happen and your cock will be rock hard.

And who is judging who here now? Calm down.

Although not able to react immediately, it nevertheless deserves an answer. If your comment was just a joke then, I’m sorry, but it could be confusing. I was probably a little too reactive, but we have already had people here whose comments were more than tendentious.
Also, your explanation of your joke has, I admit, no racist connotation. :+1:
So I have to apologize to you.

That was hard to watch