Gaia & Grayson

I think that gaia was selfish also


of course she is selfish and why not? Wouldn’t you be if you where in her shoes LOL

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Osea el despertĂł y se fueron a otro lugar para no estar con Ă©l, creo que Gaia esta enojada y prefiere disfrutar solamente ella de los invitados y la entiendo.

which one is Gaia?

Caring and sharing? Anyway, she didn’t “get it” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And that is why I commented too. Some on this VHTV Forum accept r____ts, spouse a___ers and more but when I comment about it then it gets shoved back in my face and steadily preach about wanting real life by tenants. VHTV rules to abide by for tenants/participants is pretty flexible and zero tolerance is “it all depends on the situation” type thing. I am all for commenting but some reply too harshly so it angers me to the point of WTF. Certain real life stuff by participants I don’t accept and should not be part of real life which is basically adult entertainment. Even _____s behaving badly should not be condoned or even allowed to participate because NOTHING good will come out of it. A happy fun _____ is okay because I usually piss myself laughing so hard at them and no harm to anyone. Even violence and rough sex should not be promoted here on VHTV in my honest opinion. VHTV is responsible for participant behavior and not left to managers of tenants. After I send this, I know I will be judged - just watch.

Gaia deberia de ponerle un dilatador como contencion a Grayson, como recien lo hizo Mira con Henry
 Eso lo tranquilizaria algo.

You will only be be judged by those who hold a different view to yours. I like many others have expressed my views regarding violence, r__e and alike, I happen to share pretty much the views you hold and I have said so, and while we might be critisised or ridiculed for doing so, it never deters me from expressing them. I encourage you to do the same.

Grayson got the condoms. There’s gonna be some wife swapping. I dont understand the world anymore.



El otro chico quiere arreglar la situacion, espero que Grayson reflexione

The only explanation I have, and probably wrong, is that this is their way of trying to save their ass for VHTV management.

Oh wait. Abort abort abort. Now what did I miss. Man.

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And got dressed again.

ah no tuvo solucion este chico

Gaia no quiso nada ahora, esta gente es puro drama y peleas es una relaciĂłn realmente tĂłxica, deberĂ­an irse

Se suponía que había un cumpleaños aquí? Ustedes que harían si su pareja les arruina su cumpleaños? Yo lo haría ex pareja

damn, who is the black girl


Yo creo que estos invitados no querrĂĄn volver nunca mĂĄs y es una pena por que son magnĂ­ficos ella tiene un cuerpo hermoso y Ă©l, bueno el es perfecto en todo los sentidos con un cuerpo sensacional y un pene como de burro

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I wouldn’t want to come back either, Grayson is so unpredictable, one minute he is ok, then he flys off the handle, poor Gaia, it must be exhausting, not to mention embarrassing!