Gaia & Grayson

this lovely sexy girl ,legs open ready ,and what is her prick boyfriend doing watching the TV


Guest couple look like just friends

Are the guests still there? Did they get laid?

Sheer beauty

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that she is, a sexy girl

A very well disciplined cam girl. You can set the clock on her appearances.

She always has her hands in her pussy. The clit must be wear out by now

Another lively session from Gaia & Grayson, with some good images, however I would like to say something:
Except for Gaia’s orgasm(first image) which was very nice, and Gaia let the feeling she had show, the rest of the session was as I will say, very silent, not letting the feeling show, with expressions, makes the relationship a bit cold.
And I also want to say something to Gaia, you have very beautiful boobs, (today you almost didn’t see them)


Yes, I hope that Gaia will not be saddened by what I said, I want her to consider my remarks constructive and not just meant to criticize (I like Gaia)

Gaia as she is now and smiling, how wonderful

She always leaves you with a wonderful view :heart_eyes:

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2 Round:
This time it was different, especially Gaia, very beautiful, let show more feeling with expressions, that is, relaxed the soul more, (it is not just about disinhibiting the physical, it is also necessary to disinhibit the soul), Grayson the same as always, in the presence of a great woman like Gaia, as I would say, too contained in this area.

if only i had 10 minutes with this sexy girl

which is so little, only 10 minutes, at least a few hours

There are many girls who are better in any city. She’s quite mediocre and needs a daily dozen. Despite the fact i like her.

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MMM i like her too…nice

Did they graduate from the same school? Flora, Lola, Gaia, three different houses, three copies.

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Stephanie’s school

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Gaia is the best out of those 3 , flora is to fake Lolo is ok but can be better

Go to the pussy college they went to and see who passed with the highest marks :crazy_face:

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