Gaia & Grayson

ok, its now…

una vez vi en vivo un ataque con cuchillo de una pareja gay que habia antes, afortunadamente no paso nada. pero si se torno violento por un ataque de celos. al siguiiente dia el apto estaba offline. que lastima que eso este pasando en este apto y que no se haga nada al respecto

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Did something bad happen tonight?

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No all went well. It was a bit tame though. I didn’t see anybody having a orgasm. I think tonight was meant to get Grayson and Gaia back together again. Don’t know if that worked. Grayson was more interested in Otto than in the two women. Which is totaly fine. Gaia is now hoping that all is well again.

Hoy en día si no muere alguien parece que no hacen nada solo se eliminan las imagenes

I love Gaia’s exercise outfit

how can you ignore a pussy like this :man_facepalming:

Thank you Gaia

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I see a string and I want to pull it!

this guy is the king of idiots! he has a beautiful chick and he prefers to touch his cock in front of his cell phone! what an imbecile!

you are seriously ill! :laughing:

poor, small, offended, c___d.

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Please don’t judge me! :grin:

no, no it’s okay, i feel good, doctor :laughing:

I must have gone crazy, I am responding to my own post! :partying_face:

He’s pathetic, has he even moved from the seat!

It’s her red days… Maybe he is afraid… Very Afraid… :joy: :rofl: :upside_down_face:

It is always good to watch Gaia’s bath and Shave, relaxed, and always with good images, very good


she is just lovely one of the better ones on here thats for sure but do you know if she goes to work any where she goes out early sometimes

Has Gaia put a pad on? :thinking: :drooling_face: