let me guess: that’s what the Cock Island are named after… the fact that you find them on the maps as Cook Island is a typo?
Trollpikken (Troll dick/cock) in Norway
speaking of Norway…
until 2006, the 2 euro coin looked like this :
In 2007, some improvements were made…
Glad you took us along. Then only Iceland is missing
L’Islande ne fait pas partie de la zone euro
Mais je n’avais pas remarqué ce changement
We’ve visited Trollpikken once before on the forum
The whole North of Africa too. And the three Islands South of Spain do not not exist there
um, just for your information: the coin is not supposed to depict a world map, but the euro zone. And North Africa has no part in that
So why is there the UK?
oh, ok… I can’t answer that for you now either
anyway, it seems to be like this:
up to 2007, the Eastern countries and Norway are not shown, even though they belong to Europe
from 2007 onwards, Europe is shown, even though not all countries have the euro…
the logic behind it is probably only understood by the designer of the coins