Funny's & Jokes (Part 1)


Dead Penguins - I never knew this!

Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica ?

Where do they go?

Wonder no more ! ! !

It is a known fact that the penguin is a very ritualistic bird which lives an extremely ordered and complex life.
The penguin is very committed to its family and will mate for life, as well as maintain a form of compassionate contact with its offspring throughout its life.
If a penguin is found dead on the ice surface, other members of the family and social circle have been known to dig holes in the ice, using their vestigial wings and beaks, until the hole is deep enough for the dead bird to be rolled into, and buried.

The male penguins then gather in a circle around the fresh grave and sing:

“Freeze a jolly good fellow.”
“Freeze a jolly good fellow.”

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Not really a joke, but it’s an interesting and funny thought nonetheless :smile:


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I experienced the WORST customer service today at a shop in town.
I don’t want to mention the name of the store because I’m not sure how I’m going to proceed.
Yesterday I bought something from this shop. I paid cash for it.
I took it home and found out it didn’t work.
So today, less than 24 hours later I took it back and asked if I could get a refund.
The girl in the store told me “NO” even though I still had the receipt.
I asked if I could get a replacement instead then. Again this person told me “NO.”
I asked to speak to a manager as I’m really annoyed.
I explained that I had just bought the item, had got it home and it didn’t work.
The manager just smiled and told me to my face that I was "OUT OF LUCK.
No refund. No FREE replacement.
I’ll tell you what…
I am NEVER buying another Lottery Ticket from there again!

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Meet Dominica.

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That’s b___dy gross, a talking fanny :laughing:
We get enough crap from the other end :rofl:

That is a thing of beauty, my highly, very strongly opinionated pal. God smiled warmly at his creation when he created that fanny.
:+1: :+1:

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