Two men were walking home from a Halloween party and decided to take the shortcut through the graveyard, which suited the Halloween spirit just right.
While they were telling Halloween jokes, they suddenly heard a noise between the graves. Tack tock tock. Frightened with fear, they went on and found an old man working on a tombstone with a chisel and hammer.
After the first recovered, he asked the man, "Man, you scared us to death. We thought you were a ghost! What are you chiseling around here in the middle of the night?”
“Those idiots!” muttered the old gray man. “Those stupid stonemasons spelled my name wrong!”
The German word “Ungeheuer” means “monster”.
The German word “ungeheuer” means “very”.
“Das Hemd steht dir ungeheuer gut”
“This shirt suits you very well”
“Das Hemd steht dir Ungeheuer gut”
“This shirt suits you well, you monster”
Enjoy our language!
We have the same problem with the word “Prick”, it can have two meanings
@Lukas156546 damit sollte es funktionieren….