But it is not connected…
Trying to tell us something here? Now, did you win the lottery or…
not this year
but a few years ago I actually had a win. At least it was enough to buy my current car (one that is suitable for everyday use, not a Ferrari) …
There is English, French and Dutch on that cup. No German at all.
Oo la la
ok smart ass for that im gonna blitz this topic with german jokes
it was a joke ie: questionable wording that was the mudda fukin joke you obstinate wanker
but the word NEIN appears and that is german
first of many
A German tourist jumped in the freezing water to save my dog.
After he climbed out, he said, “Here is ze dog, dry him off and keep him warm, he vill be fine.”
I asked him, “Are you a vet?”
He said, “Vet? I’m soaking!”
Haha that was a funny one. Go on make jokes about my fellow countrymen. I do not mind. I am not like the typical German at all
Grandma is always saying to me, “Hey what’s the name of that German guy again who keeps taking my stuff?”
Alzheimer, Grandma, it’s Alzheimer.