Like it that X/H have news digs. Kinda interesting tho that when they in old apt they had people over all the time. Now even tho this apt is much smaller they have had only bout 10 peeps or so maybe less to come visit. However I am glad the 2 vhtv prima donnas have not come over and laid out like they run the place. IMO
What happened?
Она испугалась жука и убежала в ванну, есть время, перемотайте)
Хотите ссылку на её вибратор?))))
Вы сможете им недолго управлять, хаха
Нужны водительские права?
It looked like she was running away from some type of insectoid life.
She needs some spiders. They eat them
That scares them even more, see video of me.
Хахахаха, права не нужны, только интернет, как вам идея?)
Ахаххах это забавно
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