Yes Celina is taken. Fennec is available
Camera 5 completely removed from the list
Whoever her name is going to be, she has a very nice body I can’t wait till she gets out of that nervous and shyness to where she won’t have a problem showing it because it is very nice. Although the guy she was talking to on the phone to see.
that camera probably died completely, so the router skips it on the listing.
I suspect camera 8 is not far behind for a similar result, It is off again now!
Yep, it’s gone for good. We will update the plan later
I can’t believe my eyes, that girl who’s been living there for about 14 days has finally taken a bath. I guess flies must have started to swarm around her, just a thought
So no new camera to replace it.
Or just move a working camera over to that location! We don’t really need the hall view, do we?
But Camera 8 is also not working in the bedroom
I think, the manager should have extra cameras on hand for this type of problem!
Is that what is in the box on Floras loggia?
Well if the manager was any good then yes. These 2 cameras having been giving trouble for a month or so now other managers would have it fixed sooner.
So are the cameras infra-red, normal black and white or do they actually have 3 modes? When she turns on the light Fox goes from night-vision blonde to daylight brunette, but if you look closely, in the first frame after the switch, her hair actually pretty much stays the same shade of grey, only gains some definition and contrast, while her surroundings are over exposed.
Tbh, I have no clue of this technical cam-equipment, and tbh again, it doesn’t make much difference to me.
All I can tell, when Fox turned on the light, Serafin covered his eyes, because they came from the dark bedroom, and it took him a while to adapt. That I consider normal, and I can not identify the difference between b+w and IR - cams.
I only differenciate between day-cam and night-cam.
Sometimes I enjoy the dayvision. Sometimes I enjoy the nightvision. Depends from time to time.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Flora (Part 2)