
Maybe. Aren’t we all a bit c___dish sometimes? :wink:

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encouraging her to get more… :wink: :face_with_peeking_eye: :sweat_smile:

You have repeated my words literally. It is expected here, it is desirable. That’s why people come here.
Outside, on the street, I hear too often ‘how he wouldn’t even touch her because she was with so many men’.

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Didn’t you guys ever heard the saying about “the key and the lock”?

For myself, I prefer an experienced woman. Unfortunately, I live in an area where women like the ones on VHTV are labelled as whores. Usually by men who are either envious or have a lot of shady stuff over their heads.

Edit: this is not my opinion, I am glad that women have also been sexually liberated.


It is funny to read Jabbath’s super c___dish explanations when even @Fox wrote that she is not happy with such practice that he’s doing…


I agree, because Fox herself has expressed her disagreement with such doing. Joke or not joke.


Fine. Maybe you should edit your post comparing her to whores? I think it is highly inappropriate…


Highly inappropriate ??? Lol Jabs, you’re funny today…



You misunderstood my post, it’s not my opinion. Read it again, I’m writing about living in an environment where certain men have this mindset, even though they are much worse themselves.

I also added that I prefer experienced women, ones who have been through some experience. So I am saying the opposite of what you are trying to portray.

Can be easily misunderstood…

Then I sincerely apologise.

I have said many times that I am against women being treated in the opposite way to men. Men are said to be studs if they can handle a lot of women, but women are said to be the opposite, not to mention again all the labels people give them.

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And I apologize for misunderstanding.

For the record: I deleted my post with the count.


This is going to come out as a ridiculous paradox. I belong to the experienced group with a very small number of partners. This is a consequence of spending my c___dhood without a family, so I fantasised about having my own from a very early age, from 15 onwards.

That’s why all my few ties are long, the first one is 5 years, the last one is going on 27 years. I don’t know if I’ve had more than 10 partners, but I’ve had a deep relationship with almost every one of them.

And I’m going offtopic again… :face_exhaling:

Sorry for that.


Let’s find a name for Fox’ guy from last night. :wink:


Good name :+1::+1: @Kade181727 you have some photos for me? :wink:


Last night I looked at the clock and it was 23… I was asking myself why I was s___py. I told myself not to stay up this late. I said to myself, "Early to bed, early to get up

Were you able to stick to that plan, then? :hugs:

Of course , from now on I’ll go to bed early and get up early. :innocent:

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Self dicipline, mate, that is the key. :hugs:


This seems to have been the last moment as Fox went offline again! :cry: