
We are talking about a slatted frame here.
Things can’t be so expensive that you don’t just buy a new one and then maybe a slightly more stable model…

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Stabilere Lattenrahmen wären wohl durchgängig angebracht, ich glaube mich an mehre gelöste Rahmen in verschiedensten Wohnungen zu erinnern

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Ich habe Fox den Hinweis gegeben, dass sie doch die Hilfe ihrer sicherlich kräftigeren Gäste in Anspruch nehmen soll, sie bat daraufhin Westly mit anzupacken, jedoch der feine Schneemann versuchte nur 1 Lattenrost anzubringen und scheiterte

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Almost one day waiting for an answer from Fox. Is he good or not. Why is this case taking so long to go live again? Is it one of the big mistakes to be banned almost one day, when it was not Fox who made the mistake, but the guests who came. I really miss Fox. Hopefully this case will be resolved soon. I’m still waiting for Fox to come back. Hopefully Fox can go live again tomorrow. :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:


@Lina_Alex @Flora Can you give information about @Fox ? Why is the house still not on the list? We are very curious

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Она до сих пор не вышла с нами на связь. Никаких новостей нет.


In unusual situations, we have always been reassured by VHTV’s assertion that there are managers nearby who react quickly and help tenants.

If the above claim is true, it means that Fox is out of the apartment in an unknown location, without contacting his “employers”. Quite unusual behavior.

As she usually likes to pop in and explain, I just hope that everything is OK with her. It’s a bit of a worrying situation.


As I said, it’s also strange …

VHTV made the transmission invisible, there was no ISP problem at the time.

There was also no violence or anything else on site.

I am of the opinion that VHTV can/could still see everything (unless the stream is now switched off on site).

So the whole thing is a bit strange, because for the recreation of the stream you rather need the manager to discuss with VHTV. The participant has less to decide here.

In my mind I started to feel bad, afraid that due to the influence of d__gs, something bad would happen to Fox. To date there has been no response from Fox. Usually Fox will reply to every comment in the forum, but this time he is silent with no news. Plus the answer from Flora that Fox still hasn’t contacted her. Did something bad happen to Fox. I’m worried. @Fox please answer every question in this forum. Help.:pray::pray::pray:

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No reasoning to lie about it, also Fox’s account was active on this forum a couple of hours ago so she must be aware of issues

Fox was last online 2 hours ago, so it is active.

Since she has a contract with her manager and not with VHTV, Fox may not be allowed to comment on this incident.

I think it’s unlikely that anyone will reach her …

Flora herself is only a participant like Fox, whether they know each other personally is not known …

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thank you for answering. If you get any news, I would be happy if you write me.

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Thank you for your feedback. I’m just wondering why this case took so long for Fox to go live, Hopefully there will be new info.

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That is why I say that her behaviour is unusual. There is one other thing that bothers me. I did not watch it live, but as far as I can tell from the comments, Fox was as___p in bed when it all happened.

Isn’t that a bit odd? As far as I can tell, Fox never left her active company and went to bed. A visit that was intended to be slept there, yes, but not a bunch of partying people. She’s usually the last one to drop. Plus her claim that these are totally trustworthy guys, from which I infer that they are not her first acquaintance.

And given that Flora joins in the conversation with explanations, I’d say she’s not just playing a regular tenant in this case. At least not according to what I’ve been told.


As I said, this is regulated between manager & VHTV …

If one side takes longer for feedback or decisions, this will be delayed …

As already mentioned, this can be settled within a few minutes … This was the case, for example, when the manager Henry had such a problem with one of his flats.

I don’t think Flora has anything to do with the flat, except that the ex-partner (Xavier) of her friend/acquaintance Harmony had that flat, who brought Fox into the business.

I do agree with you, I wasn’t watching live either I just seen the large volume of new posts on the topic when I logged in shortly after it happened

Without knowing the actual answer can only assume Flora seen the high number of comments as well and came in the topic to see people bad mouthing people she actually knows

Depending on who that was depends on how big a pinch of salt you need

Sorry, I see more.

I’m just interested in Fox being OK. Nothing else.


What connection should there be between Flora & Fox?

Fox was recruited by Xavier when he wanted to break up with Harmony.

Fox & Harmony / Flora live in different cities, you can say that because Harmony had already written that she now lives in a new foreign city.

The only thing Harmony & Fox have in common is that they both had sex with Xavier …

As shown in the picture, Fox was online 2 hours ago …

Edit: It was even online now … (according to the advert 2 minutes ago)

Yp, because we are looking for her through other channels. I am much deeper in this story than you think.
And I hope to hear from her soon.

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