The one thing that I like about Miss Fox She will give you everything that you’re looking for in a partner she shows passion and affection she gives her mind, her body and her soul, and I’m sorry to say not trying to be tacky, but some of these qualifications Xavier lax does and in my opinion, that’s why I believe he struck out with Kerri And she gave him many opportunity
And if you’ve ever heard this phrase that she put him in the friend zone when you get put in there, that’s it there is no coming back from that and like I said, I tried to be as tactless as I could and again this is just my opinion and observation
See that’s what I would’ve thought when she woke up this morning but they were laughing conversation with each other more than what they have done before she left so that’s why I’m kind of surprised she’s not back yet
Ich hab das eher als verbittertes Lachen empfunden. Sie ist von der Couch regelrecht aufgesprungen und ist ins Bad geflüchtet, Ich hätte mich gewundert, wenn sie während des Tages in die Wohnung zurückgekehrt wäre.