Wow. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone got naked right now?
almost the same pic, but a different thought process.
Davina awake now but only relates to the phone!
Fox falling as___p in Xavier’s arms, it’s cute😍
I don’t know who she is…I just want her to have some fun
well, if Xavier reads this treu statement, he is going to blow up again the people in here and you especially. just wanted to give you a heads up
That’s funny. But I was hoping.
I think Max is pretty much right. But I’d still like to see him (Xavier) try some more sometime in the future. And don’t get me wrong, I also want to see him in plenty of action right here in the apartment with the two other inhabitants!
I sure wish I had their rule book for interactions. Can someone direct me to that page please?
Wenn mich nicht alles täuscht ist Davina am packen. Ihr Wäschefach ist komplett leer. Die Kosmetikartikel alle in einem Beutel. Rucksack vollgepackt
Looks like somebody packing up and leaving while everybody else is as___p
Why should he? If you had looked at the reactions under my post, you would have noticed that he added a heart to it.
You can already read statements in Kerri’s forum that Kerri is less interested here than in friendship.
Xavier is therefore unaware that Davina has left ?
S___ping beauty. Welcome
Da muss ich sie in Schutz nehmen, sie hat mehrfach versucht Xavier zu wecken. Vielleicht durch die Medikamente. Er war nicht wach zu bekommen. Ich hatte auch das Gefühl, dass sie jemand abholt. Sie hat mehrfach nach draußen geschaut und auf die Uhr.
Thanks to clear this up. This way i agree with you, didnt saw what happen just when true the pictures and comments here.
Does anyone know the reason Davina left?
Maybe because she aint benefit in to the project! A girl, that is very shy with no improvements where she s___ps,eats and smokes aind good. Fox, still aint have kids, neither one from that size