Hi, I used the conditional “I would like” precisely because I don’t intend to be selfish.
Furthermore, if you read my previous messages, you will see that I have never supported the Fox/Xavier couple, in fact, some members have accused me of rooting against them.
I also wrote that I would love a person like Chuck ( Do you remember Chuck?) for @Fox .
Not because I’m directly against them, but because of the few things that Xavier has written, is that he sees her as a friend, just a friend of her. So the conditional is mandatory…
My intention has always been to see a calm, friendly and correct climate in the apartment, if this could be possible.
In recent days it hasn’t seemed that way, so I expressed opinions that seemed appropriate to the context.
But, precisely because they are my opinions (like those of anyone else), the guests of the house can do what they want.
(I believe that several members of the Forum should read the previous posts, before making insinuations, commenting on others and passing judgments.
I know that we are in a society of everything now and in the moment, but every now and then revisiting history is good for everyone.)
Do you think saying that you hope that Xavier changes his habits and attitude will help improve the climate when it is clear that he does not think the same as you?
Also do you feel it is your responsibility to rectify any issues in the apartment? I imagine you believe that you are just giving suggestions based on your own opinion but that circles around to my initial question where if Xavier does not feel the same way as you do about things, why does your opinion matter?
I’m interested to know your thoughts
Dear friend,
then you really don’t understand what I’m telling you…
I absolutely don’t have the presumption of wanting to change Xavier or whoever else is in the apartment, much less do I have the presumption of wanting to make someone do who knows what.
I, like you, are mere spectators, but we have the opportunity to write on this forum and ask or question ourselves about the events. Apartment members can come and read our posts and subsequently respond to us if they deem it appropriate; that’s all.
What you are saying to me, you can actually also say to yourself, because if on the one hand you are replying to what I write it is like saying that you want to pass your opinions on to mine, so we are both on the same level.
Here we are not in a place where one person is right and the other is not, nor are we in a place where there is a truth to be found.
We are in a place where members comment on what they see every day, every hour in every apartment.
We all do this, we will continue to do this regardless of who is present in the apartments.
If you say this to me, you should say it to dozens of other members who comment and look at this forum every day, because one thing is certain: everyone is different from each other and everyone has different ideas.
And for this I thank everyone for existing.
…to exist…especially @Fox
[quote=“Imminent, post:5440, topic:30650”]
I absolutely don’t have the presumption of wanting to change Xavier
Ok, let’s see how much you don’t:
If Xavier is suffering from a cold, a good remedy for this is sweating, and there is nothing better than Fox helping him to sweat, for example with sex! He’s going to sweat like hell
they are so beautiful together
How many off you here, whould love to see Xavier make love with Fox again?
For yes
For no
Hahaha mate I want to see everybody to bang. Name any combination of two or more people and chances are that I’ll check it out
ok, let’s leave it alone because I feel like I’m speaking without being understood and translations probably don’t help.
I’ll point out the last thing and then I’ll stop:
but if I take up the parts of the posts you highlighted, ok, but aren’t you really the ones saying that the members of the apartment do what they want, regardless of what we say?
And the extrapolated posts, didn’t you put them in the context of the moment from which you extrapolated them?
If so (and that’s fine with me, in fact, I hope so because it means that they think with their heads) but what are you talking about?
I expressed MY impressions; ok if you don’t agree, but don’t go any further. Ok if the members of the apartment do not agree, but how much will they be influenced by me?
But we’re joking I hope… influenced by me?
I express my thoughts and sometimes I find people who agree, other times I don’t.
I agree with other judgments of others when others do or do not.
And that’s fine with me.
and in any case I repeat: if I write something and someone replies that they agree (be it a member of the apartment or of the forum), as has happened many times, for me the comment ends.
I close my part on the specific topic here, without responding further.
@John78 is it hard to play along? Come on.
I am going to Mute this Topic. It is beyond ridiculous what is happening here
Its the best thing you can do since you only come here criticise ppl like a cop.
Can you please stop tagging Fox in each of your posts?
Who said Xavier didn’t eat or anything?
xavier looks really sick