
Looks like planty off talking and nothing on sex. Where is excalibur? Dead? :rofl:

Ya. Too much talking and less action.

Because if she doesn’t change it, how can she host her friends? :grinning: … Would you let her have fun and s___p on the couch like @Fox is doing?

Does this look like an apartment for her? there are members who have huge apartments compared to how many people are in them… wouldn’t you want a nice apartment for Fox? To have parties and host friends?

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I agree to that. Fox would be a lot more free and could do more things in a place for her own where the bedroom is not constantly blocked.

But in the end it is a decision only she can make. I can only say she is visibly less happy since Xavier returned and started the circus with Davina.

I believe that it is impossible to remain insensitive in front of a girl like that!

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Some viewers just expect to see fucking 24/7 or they think they can order whatever they want the participants to do!

Xavier took one look at Fox (as you see it), cracked a joke…and he went back to the bedroom!!
…maybe he really likes wrestling more than having sex… :laughing: :sweat_smile:

@Fox … change the apartment… :slight_smile:

Well, Xavier said that he did use to be in the MMA!

Thanks @Fox for your confirmation! The smiley you sent me makes me happy with everything I’ve said up to this point! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

The wrestling round starts in 5 minutes… at this moment the players are studying each other

@Xavier is not protecting Excalibur with a condom? This is very disappointing for his fans that look forward to his famous condom baths… :pensive:

It warms my heart that Xavier now has a fan that documents his life with such detail. I hope he has thanked you for all of the hard work you have done.

I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that to date, it is certainly the most interesting apartment to follow… when I have time :+1:

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I also put a direct link to the notebook desktop :+1: :yum:

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From all the comments that you make here. It appears you have a lot of time. :wink: :partying_face:

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@Fox I love you!! :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :sweat_smile: