
Dennis calls this platform “Park”… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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It can be the Supermaket as well. Now, i need the name of it :crazy_face:

Lets see if @xavier or @fox comes here and reads this mensages, all in all i think is fair for in to respond and give is point off view we all have diferente opinions and i think its fair!

Now we both can agree on that and I hope she does stay and fox and Xavier can get her more comfortable

I don’t know about that because the same way She acted with Xavier she acted with the other guy. He slept on the couch with her for two nights in a row, and as much as he tried because he tried too hard all he got was a kiss and nothing more

See this is where y’all lose me. I can’t necessarily agree and say she didn’t because she could’ve easily told him no and got up in the left she let him go further then she let the previous guy and this is her second time being there because the first time she was there she got ran out by Harmony, I mean y’all at like she couldn’t have told him no if she didn’t want to yes, she laid there because he did not get her in the mood or fully in the mood but she could have told him no

This is true ,but how do you know she did say no,I not seen anything to say she wanted sex

If this is the usual pattern of Fox disappearing from the apartment because of Xavier, I’m very sorry but this apartment is dead to me! Fox has the same right to this apartment and to the bed in the room as Xavier, even more so because Fox has contributed much more to this apartment than Xavier will ever contribute! @Xavier, for your sake and for the sake of this apartment, disappear and let Fox stay

Я очень зол, но я попытаюсь выразить свои мысли корректно.
Мне не нравится, как вы свои догадки выдаете за утверждение. Боже, вы ничего не знаете, многие из вас не понимают язык. И естественно вы не знаете о чем мы разговаривали. Я только и делал что спрашивал комфортно ли ей, хочет ли она что бы мы перешли к действиям, я говорил что отказ я воспринимаю нормально и ничего между нами не изменится, я говорил что все хорошо и она может выразить мне свое мнение, я его приму таким, какое оно есть. И если она не хочет то мы можем уйти в другую комнату ко всем. Но мы пришли к тому, что попробуем. Давина очень застенчива и стеснительна, поэтому это был долгий диалог на который многие не поняли, высказав свои догадки в качестве утверждений. Кому надо повзрослеть, так это тем, кто делает выводы не зная всего, что происходило по другую сторону.


Я призываю вас понять то, что я такой же человек и не обязан любить и ухаживать за человеком которым не хочу. Фокс прекрасна, но у нас дружеские отношения и я буду уделять ей столько дружеского внимания, сколько захочу. Не нужно говорить о плохом отношении к ней, если я не даю ей столько внимания, сколько хотели бы вы.

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Я полностью тебя понимаю, но не проще ли было бы, если бы вы оба жили в отдельных квартирах и просто приходили друг к другу в гости, когда захочется?


no need to answer or defend yourself… they will never stop guessing and knowing it all better than you, just ignore them…


Она живет от меня в тысячи километрах.


This kinda perpetuates the narrative that they don’t like each other (not saying that is your intention). We don’t know their circumstances and this might make the most sense for them at this moment

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You think we draw the wrong conclusions but you forget that we can see what is happening even 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if we want…and I personally tell you that at no time, since day 1, have you given Fox the place it deserves! She was giving everything for you until logically she got tired of waiting for you. You have not known how to value her and this is going to fall on you because Davina is neither prepared nor will she be! Fox is everything in this apartment and if you’re smart, which I’m sorry but sometimes I doubt it, you’ll have to get her back completely because otherwise this apartment is going to s__t! I just hope to see Fox again whether with or without you but on VH, right now and if you don’t change, the expendable one here is you! I’m sorry for my harsh words, but for me this is reality if you want to see it…

I think many people drew conclusions about what it is like based on what they and I see. as you say, it’s probably very easy to get them wrong when you don’t understand the language. I have a better understanding of everything now that you told me more about your relationship. You are just friends and nothing more. With them in mind, it becomes increasingly clear how everything is in the situation. Now I understand more how you think and are with everything!
You have the right to live your life the way you want

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Get her an apartment and then we can decide who we want to see and who we don’t, then you will realize the reality…

Не прощу. Поставь себя на моё место. Представь человека которому ты не хочешь уделять много внимания, и возьмём группу людей которые давят на тебя, оскорбляют и делают все возможное что бы ты уделил ей внимание. Это будет против твоей воли, и давай посмотрим что ты скажешь тогда. А пока что обдумай написанное со своей и моей стороны.

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This is already happening in case you might have miss it. The apartment is named : Fox, Xavier.


I still don’t understand…why did you put her in the apartment the day after your breakup with Harmony then? And why did you fuck her if you didn’t want her from the beginning? You are wrong friend…