Etwas ist mir unverständlich, ich durfte heute mittag zusehen wie Fox Werbung gemacht hat für die Wohnung, dann hat sie geputzt und nun kocht sie. Frage: was macht Davina - nichts. Sie kennt doch sicherlich die Erwartungen die VHTV an ein Gastmädchen hat. Als Manager würde ich sie daran erinnern.
Waiting for the prince to finish the studies ?
Sexy underwear, very beautiful
looks like this. But it’s not a bad idea from Fox if the sign gets noticed.
the record for now is still misty?
Yes she is still holding the record with 54.
Davina is very uneasy again. It’s like he’s not happy in the environment.
[quote=“Jerry240600, post:4713, topic:30650, full:true”]
Davina is very uneasy again. It’s like he’s not happy in the environment.
[/quote]She is basically still restless, but hopefully she will relax, maybe Fox could help her relax
and a very shy girl needs time to get unstuck…
You can tell by the look on her face that she is very happy to have these guys…
@Fox needs to help her. She looks very stressed. Maybe if she _____s a little more she’ll feel better
Přesně tak jak jsem psal
she is glad that they came, they are, according to her, the most beautiful guys
I know, in fact I agree with you…
I am happy for you…