Do they know what means RIP??
it’s a video call, it’s even more weird
Of course they know what RIP means that’s why they are using it
That explains the diferent mood. And looks like @Xavier lied to us.
Oh I do know
I think it’s time to launch the hashtag #saveFox
I have no idea what you are on about
Does that mean that @Harmony is on her way home now?
10 fricking characters…
Where do I sign!!!??
Seems you can take Fox place
Nooooooooo, I thought about Harmony, Fox and Xavier together!
Ahh i was thinking that you would want to be there Yes, that’s the point of the gif… XHF
I wouldn’t even dare to go there, imagine Xavier misses a bit with Excalibur, there’s no general surgeon to put me back together
@Xavier schep nu eens klaarheid .
Je bent nu al meer dan uur aan het chatten met Hamonie .
En je hebt in dat uur al meer gelachen met Harmonie , dan je hebt gelachen naar Fox .
Als je zo verder doet zal je veel respect verliezen man .
Mijn respect heb je nog voorlopig
I thought she was going to write the words ”HELP!”