
If you say so… :roll_eyes:

Yup I say so. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Перестаньте отмечать Гармонию! Вы вообще думаете что она чувствует в этот момент??

No I do not, but I can guess. Isn’t watching and guessing part of the experience of being a voyeur after all?

I am a Harmony fan. She deserves to be celebrated just as much as we celebrate you! :hugs: :partying_face:

Well, as you did in my case, she might have put a heart emoji by mistake, once… :wink:

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:thinking: :shushing_face: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:
that she took your boner, or that you’re a s__tty screenwriter

If he asks nicely maybe she will give it back! :heart_eyes:

@NotSeth has no regard for feelings …
He wants fun and provoke … The more drama and suffering the more he is happy … that’s how it is, unfortunately …

don’t joke rom what I read on the forum he loves you so much…(he loves you like a mosquito disturbing you while you s___p)… :wink: :joy:

@Xavier You are not answerable to anyone.

You two must be comfortable … “Playing games” to please the audience is useless … Also rushing to do things where one may not be 100% ready.

Many here are keyboard heroes who wouldn’t last 5 minutes on camera, let alone get naked or have sex.

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Did Xavier throw Seth on the floor?

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Large, wrapped up and appears limp. I think that is Xavier’s boner. :sweat_smile:

Why do you resent him so much?

I don’t, they made a joke about me being in a wrapped up garbage bag. Why am I not also allowed to tease back?

@VHTV_James he answers so often that it’s like it’s not VHTV - but webcam
a price list for donations will appear soon
the meaning of peeping is blurred

there is a beauty nearby, pay attention to her and not the forum

Я шутил? Или кто? Будь повнимательнее приятель

@Fox - better you leav this silly apartment

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@NotSeth how many minutes would you last on a project like VHTV, how far would you go if you were honest with yourself?

The way you behave, one has to assume you have never had intimacy with a partner (no matter what gender they are)

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I hope you are not making threats to me. That would be breaking VHTV ToS. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble. My comments were in good fun. However your comment appears not to be…

We reap what we sow. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

In German there is a saying:

“wie man in den Wald hineinruft, so schallt es heraus”

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