Is fox leaving
Да, об этом упоминалось уже, мы будем скучать @Fox
All those dragon themed tattoos… boss Flora overseeing the corporate branding of her worker bees?
Sorry I was rushing and lost track of where I was!
Привет, Флора.
Отличный футджоб, мне нравится. Надеюсь, мы увидим больше, может быть, двойной футджоб с буксировкой девушек одним парнем.
это было бы что-то новенькое. Этого еще не было на Voyeur House TV.
In the future could you please include pic of activity, so I know when and where to go find it?
It’s three days ago.
I don’t see the point in posting that today, unless there was a link to a clip or so.
I checked the archive first, but the videos in there show a time 5 hours later than the 18:00 in the post, I thought there might have been a later encounter within the timeline limit.
i dont know what topic to put this in , so i will do it here and hopefully i can get some backing , @VHTV_James i think it would be a great asset to the forum if you was to make @Kade181727 a moments operator , his knowledge and uploads are outstanding , im pretty sure others feel this way aswell
I feel honoured by this suggestion, In fact I had an exchange about that possibility with another MO, and expressed, that I can not take a fixed obligation like “…has to be done at x-time” because of other commitments in my life. Thinking about it now, if it can be on “when available” basis, and whoever in charge to decide on that would want it, I wouldn’t refuse.
no-one can be here all the time the more operators the better it will spread out the work load aswell in therory any one of the moments operator could be available around the clock , not only that the moment operators have a good memory for names etc that many of us mere underlings could never remember , not only would you be saving vids etc but also there to answer questions simialar to a moderator duties but not as intense
This dud is cool. Lot better than ponytail