Flora (Part 1)

i guess we have to wait and see

I might have some sauce for you… Might be interested in a little video clip of me squirting to Flora? Is this appropriate to ask of you privately new to the site and thank you by the way again for the 30 day contest possibility. Flora seems a Favorite so far to me… :wink:🫶🏻

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Can you tell me please, what was the time on the clock for that scene? I’d like to find it on the timeline. I realise it wasn’t all that long ago…

Hi Lukas ,
Sarah here …just wondering if you might be interested in watching Flora with me… The thought of getting aroused with you simultaneously has me squirting to her shower spray. Yikes. :face_with_peeking_eye:

Might be interested in a little video clip of me squirting? I ask if you privately as a fellow Flora fan. :sweat_drops::droplet:

Thanks and regards, Sarah

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yes sure… just post it, we all like it

maybe our big Leader @jabbath1987 will move it to another topic, but he might like it too :rofl: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops:

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Edit: Please ignore that, I found it! :slight_smile:

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Yes, thank you for that. Shortly after I requested the time, I actually discovered it for myself!

Your reply is appreciated though. :slight_smile:


connor’s arms are there for many today… even kevin


That was quick :rofl: :rofl:

I think the last two pussies that arrived may have already circulated through other realms, perhaps scott or alisa places

bit different in clothing style

Hi Flora
U look beautiful and stunning like always :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::fire::heart_eyes:

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Guess connor found the locked door and will put the master key


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