Flora (Part 1)

poor Marv.

he lost the blanketfight


Yes and now we get to see his…no never mind! :innocent:

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Toes? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Well, pretty sure there might have been few other bits in your mind as well (and no, i don’t mean his heels) :blush: :innocent:


OK, I admit it, I was looking at his bottom when I made that remark! :blush:

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just for you :wink:

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Thank you. :slight_smile:

So, after reading the posts , we are expecting Kevin toi get lucky today !!
I am guessing that Fiona is going to do a bit of match-making ???
Barbie- lovely to see you again ?

Cam 1 has failed. Or is it just not working for me? :thinking:

wait! the girl with green shirt is reese right???
is she there just for one night or she will stay?

overheated by cooking :wink:

@Flora maybe a restart will sove the problem with Cam1


She left 5 minutes ago… :wink:

you really think i missed that? :rofl:

We’re seeing “Home Alone” again now :joy:

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maybe you… i watch a bit from what i missed :wink:


Seems that the doors are fixed (for now) :hugs:


Good to see him back.

Then maybe David will see him in bed with Kevin after all… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have my doubts about that, somehow. :frowning:

at least no problems between the two of them :sweat_smile:

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In all honesty, I can’t say I am surprised. I am pretty sure there was a mutual agreement involved in all that we have seen over the last couple of days.

I could be wrong of course but…