Flora (Part 1)

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I think Flora has already made it clear that she wants to be with Marv and not with Connor, it’s obvious…I don’t think she’s saying that because she’s going to throw Kevin out of the apartment…if so, I’m happy for her, they like each other very much !


Would any dish survive such a gathering in one piece?

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Nice picture!

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is this a love?

Ever since i joined VHTV, I don’t think i have been so confused like now :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

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Marve thinks: Don’t say or do anything wrong, it could be painful. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

No, I think it’s just her flirting and teasing because again if she does him how she did him last night when she decided to go to s___p fully clothed……….

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did connor pack his stuff & leave :thinking:

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he went to the door repair… :face_with_peeking_eye:

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flora is back


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One could only hope. :rofl: :joy: