Flora (Part 1)

Sorry bro just back in here just saw your cm, does it mean Reese is coming back?

vĂĄlaszoltam :wink:

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Well at least you had the decency to answer, I appreciate it, thank you.

She was there. I do not know if she will be back or even become a regular visitor. Maybe @Flora can help us? :kissing_heart:

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So what’s next, Kevin&Ingrid? :thinking:

Let’s be surprised what Flora offers us. :wink: :sweat_smile:

Kevin & Goldie :stuck_out_tongue:

Noo, she might k__l the poor boy :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

I said Goldie not Teresa… :rofl:

Or if it’s going to be Marv and Flora, maybe it could be Kevin and Connor!!! :innocent:

Before anyone jumps on me from a great height, I was joking - although I personally wouldn’t object if that DID happen between the two guys!!! :slight_smile:

A slight correction, the “surprises” are not comming from Flora, she is only hosting them :wink::hugs::hugs:

I know, but we have seen Goldie’s sexual appetite :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

That’s my point as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I guess, but it’s the same appetite Lyla gets. An appetite often sponsored by too much waldka…:cry:

I bet @David would prefer the couple Kevin & Connor.

Nice to see you back Seth :hugs::hugs::saluting_face:

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Yes I would and I have already alluded to it, in a previous comment here. :slight_smile:

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Back with guests. Never saw the girl before.

Yep… confirms

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