Flora (Part 1)

Flora going on an errand.

Well things aren’t how they used to be my friend. Things are more professional in regards to the talent and what they allowed to do now. :pensive:

I hope she will bring back Connor, Marv, and Ben! :crossed_fingers:

it is the best thing that can happen to @Flora… she stays in the top6 as long as nothing happens…

when they have sex for a few mitnutes, oh… it’s not Dennis, so even longer… Then they will go down the viewerslist

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yes but even for that there has to be a limit. she’s making her towel out of the sofa, she’s already visibly uncomfortable with the situation of not getting up even to get something, she’s spinning around on the sofa from one side to the other fulfilling her mission to attract views that Flora assigned her. One hour the imperiousness of things will speak louder

Cinderella is Isidor trying to suck your face off?!?! Please wink three times if you need us to send help!

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yeah indeed

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Hmmm so my assumption about her having really bad taco farts was correct? :thinking: :taco: :dash:

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I feel bad for Cinderella having such a bad stomach ache. :cry:

I thought the tattoo looked like a lowercase g.

sorry but it’s not easier to change apartment since you don’t like it…


We are being taken for a ride.