Flora (Part 1)

Did connor ever really love any1? Wynonna?

OMG… what kind of crappy crap was rewritten here in the night??? :roll_eyes:

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But why hate? Boy gets around and the girls are lining up around the block for his 12 centimeters of furry. :fire: :eggplant: :sweat_drops:

Not sure, didn’t have time or care to read through the 800+ comments of BS that I missed. One thing is for sure. This comment is definitely adding to it. :wink:

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That’s a strong word for Vhtv. Maybe the love is money ,sex, and l____r :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

In any case, I felt well entertained by Flora. It doesn’t matter what people write here, but it’s never really boring with her. And that’s what counts, isn’t it? :wink:

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lol that’s what she said
What ever the case maybe y go through all that with the other guy and then go cold like that you only do that when you have someone else

Okay I agree on that but at the same time if she tells you that her and Conner are together even when she was with yan before they got married she never did this so I just as a simple question because if they are not an item then she is okay with him doing the same thing what’s right is right

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It’s best to clarify that with Flora herself. Why should I deal with it?

You are confusing something, he was from the secret service … fortune tellers were the people who had already suspected Flora offline fucking wildly with x men … :rofl: :joy:

Yeah, I followed it with interest last night.

when did connor come back :thinking:

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I wonder if Flora is driving the same way she said Yan had to do. You can do everything without having sex with the person. The
feels like she does that!

I don’t care who’s taking place in there as long as we continue seeing that booty riding up and down forever :heart_eyes:

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Хочу напомнить всем, что оскорблять участников запрещено. Если кто-то забыл об этом, прошу обратиться к @jabbath1987 и узнать правила форума. Спасибо.

Прошу прощения, расскажите всем что будет за оскорбление участников и оскорбление между зрителями @jabbath1987


Flora is right. Please respect feelings of participants and do not insult them. You can make funny comments and jokes but direct attacks or insults are against the rules.


Yes, she most definitely is. It’s NEVER EVER OK to insult participants (or anyone else on the forum, for that matter).


why did you @ jabbeth and not vhtv account. Also just curious where did anyone insult you? :heart:

edit: just went through the comments ( yeah i know i have no life) and saw no personal insults just people calling out the bait show


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These words from your side :joy::joy: are u okay :sweat_smile:

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Leave Mr. Fauci out of there :stuck_out_tongue:

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