Flora (Part 1)


@John78 MUST be in heaven now :joy: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Indeed I AM :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy: :heart:

I guess you need to thank Flora for it :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe that i need to thank more to Isidor for finding her and leaving the project for her :hugs: :heart:

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Nope, definitely need to be thanking Flora. Like @jamesdeenV3 said she’s the one writing the scripts around here. Isidor barely got a peak at Cinderella’s cleavage until Flora got involved.

Changed for you. Now makes sense as Isidor has seen everything long ago :wink:

Oh my the fantasy world you live in…

This butt is perfect… :wink:
Cinderella is in love with her smartphone


Ohh Seth, i know exactly which one of us lives in a fantasy world but never mind.

You keep doing what you doing best (trolling) with your mates

flormidable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

here we go another made up love story incoming :fire:

Again, an opinion that differs from your own doesn’t mean trolling and/or being a troll. So STOP trying to bully your narrative that I am.

P.S. Did you touch grass yet??

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This is the last time i’m telling you to STOP before i start reporting you

Please go and read the FAQ and memorise this line:

I consider offensive and abusive almost every single comment you make towards me and even more involving my family as well. So once more please STOP

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Why don’t the two of you put each other on ignore already and both of you fucking stop?

Today “teacher” Flora has a difficult job

What are you evening talking about now!?!? NO ONE IS BULLYING OR TROLLING YOU. This is all in your head. You have tried to report me before and nothing happened because I never did and continue to NOT do anything of the things you are accusing me of.

@kaya I find my comment to be acceptable and to not be breaking any forum rules. Unfortunately my comment was flagged. Could you please make sure I am in compliance. Thank you!

She has been doing great so far. and this time for the first time, you’d be right if you call Cinderella " Shy " :joy: :stuck_out_tongue: