Flora (Part 1)

Yes, if i order it as “■■■■■■■■” , then yes, but if i want to _____ something strong (vodka, whiskey, brandy) then will be on his own and maybe softening the “after taste” with some orange juice, ■■■■ or tomato juice (for vodka)

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There is something nagging at the back of my mind that I MIGHT have seen the guy before but otherwise, yes I guess they are new.

Oh yes, I must admit, if it is whisky (whiskEy if I am in the mood for an Irish variety) then I will order it ‘straight’, literally NOTHING else in the glass with it.


Exactly the same for me, not even ice, nothing…


Это водка :joy: русская водка :joy::joy:

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Do we need names for these two?

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I just hope you take it easy with the _____s then :wink:

Unless they get one for getting naked, not yet :man_shrugging:

EDIT: just found out that they already have names: Pit & Avery

They’re Pit and Avery aren’t they, who were guests at Trisha’s?

You are right, it’s them


Ah yes. I will add them there.

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Dennis might get pinkeye. :worried:

Flora has just started to get over her illness. Let’s hope her illness isn’t the stomach flu. If it is Dennis is in grave danger being down there… :peach: :dash: :dash:

He’s too sexy.

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Поделись с ним :pray:t2:

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My dearest Flora you really are quite stunning when you put on all of your makeup. The pink baby umbrella really brings out the color of your eyes. :lipstick: :open_umbrella: :heart_eyes:

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