They are on fire
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Has Pauline had a break since Flora took off, What is the record for continuous sex?
Can she set it?
what going on with Flora?
14 раз за 48 часов вроде как рекорд
on vacation?
Is that a train cabin?
Anyway, you two have fun
Not much break really, i believe that only when she cooked the food
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Who is that guy?
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You mustn’t ask me You who keep track of all the names
Let me then ask: Is that guy new? I do not remember seeing him before.
Oh, do you mean Bill?
Bill? I do not see him on the list of guests…
Well of course, he’s the new guy.
Als ik mij goed herriner die man ooit eens op bezoek geweest bij LYLA & WAYNE .
Maar daar ook geen naam gekregen
Ah you got me there. Bad guy you
Maybe we can name him Bill.