Flora (Part 1)

Why you lying? :thinking:

No. You wouldn’t understand no offense

Try me, I think I’ll be able to. :wink:

He just can’t help himself, I think he forgets what he says in conversations, in both public and private

I could have sent her a private message then this wouldn’t happen and maybe she would understand my concern for her but no that has to be paid for with premium

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Correct :+1: :+1:

Goodmorning @Flora Sunshine :star_struck:

I now also see the benefits of your new hairstyle :heart_eyes:



it doesn’t matter how it is arranged, but I’m glad you finally understand that a camera is needed, my question about it was answered with “not possible” if someone else asks you at least think about it!

looking forward to having a better view! :kissing_heart:

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the path from the source to the drain :rofl: :rofl:

[quote=“ZF21, post:3992, topic:25626, full:true”]
We should focus on what matters the most: the camera angle I pointed. Trust me you will like the outcome, as it would be similar to realm25’s cam15 which I expect many people here have enjoyed since a while ago.

I know i am not a technical person and have little idea what you are talking about but Realm 25 does not have a camera 15 ?
In general i like th lower angle cameras as they produce unusual shots like cameras 6 & ( in realm 90 and the under the table one that was in Ashley’s old apartment.
Here are a couple of examples from that now defunct apartment from the under the table camera


They will be on about the web address, camera 1 for example in realm 25 is labeled as cam11

Camera 5 is labeled as cam15

Right ? 10Ch.

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A cam like that would be amazing :heart_eyes:

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it was rather inspirational .


Yes I meant a bit lower position can give nice views :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::joy::innocent:

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Dennis got another surprise from @Flora , she must have won the lottery :sweat_smile:


A long time ago, I suggested installing a cam to the right of the sofa at the closet there, which practically shows the angle that cam 5 shows. Now, if someone is sitting on the front right-hand corner of the sofa, you can only see them from behind or via Cam 5 without a head.

These low angle cams are unlikely to show much in Flora’s living room as there is usually something or someone sitting in front of it.

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Maybe you should change careers and become a gynecologist… :sweat_smile:

Он бы любил свое дело :kissing_heart::grin: