rehearsel of lesson 10
Damn, that will be a pass and certificate from my side
How Flora poses are there?
Anybody knows
a lot!
I’m starting to get worried for you now
Excuse me! With all do respect @Kevin is an All Star in the league. Flora would be so lucky to have Kevin pick her off the bench.
Kevin was just putting in work. He does his best to keep all his lady friends happy. Sadly there is only a finite amount to K Train to be spread around.
Kevin be stacking bodies on the daily.
Quality over quantity my friend. Sometimes you have to rest your All Stars so they will always be fresh for the import scenes. The best players don’t always play the most. They play when it matters.
Kevin is on a load management program in more ways than one.
Here’s to Kevin filling Flora’s Stanley Cup.
Who is Stanley and what is wrong with his cup
Теперь они знают спасибо !)