Flint & Flame

Best sex with the best couple


She is on a video call….

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He must diversify his sexual positions

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I guess they don’t own any plates :joy:

If they move that cam to kitchen they will find the plates :rofl:

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who needs plates? so you save yourself the washing up, and you always have to take a shower anyway :wink:

I guess that’s clean enough to eat off. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The more important question is: Do they have a corkscrew ? :joy: :joy:


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They could remove the remaining 10 cams and use them in another apt

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Don’t give them any ideas :rofl: :rofl:

Or move them all into the bathroom for the poo and pee lover. :poop: :sweat_drops:

That’s taking the piss. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Don’t be so crude JB, it’s “extracting the urine” :joy:

there i am missing

That’s probably why it’s called ‘food porn’…


It’s nice to see you guys relaxing together.
You both had a long day yesterday. I peek in maybe twice an hour, ~20 hours a day.
I have a sort of system where I cycle thru 20 realms, twice in a row. Then I take a break and start over. (I’m a sick puppy)

Your doin’ great guys, quite tactile, I like that real “hands on experience” experience.
Well, gotta’ go, enjoy your evening.
(The guy in the camera)

Anyone know what Flint is making?