VHTV should be renamed as pornstudio.com
Jakar seems to have so much power over certain realms, he seems to rock up with his Entourage, feel up any girl he chooses, sleeps, drinks then leaves. I might be wrong but it does seem like no one has a say in it or a choice.
It could also be that it’s good business for the various people to have him visit when he shoots his movies.
Although it seems that most people on this forum would like it to be negative, it can just as well be positive for the people involved. None of us probably know the real truth and it certainly provides viewers on this site when they are filming.
I see Jakar, I switch to another apartment. Don’t need that.
Heute wieder Pornodreh,schade dafür stellt Flamy ihre Wohnung zur Verfügung.
Das kann man eher mit einer Vergewaltigung gleichsetzen
Wo is Baldy in this group? this is the 3rd of these small taping i’ve seen and he’s always in them, and always hogging the girl. He’s gotten always be getting action like 80%+ of the time, while others are always just standing around. I don’t know why any of the others are even in the shoot.
The question is whether Flamy will later be the ‘bonus’ again, or whether this time only the flat was rented.
Jakar🤬always the hog
Jakar is in the house
so it wasnt just me thinking that. Sounds like he will put his D in any hole he can find