Finley & Silver

It’s starting to look like they are getting ready to close this realm down??

Not sure, can be seen this way, yes. A quite deep clean

énszerintem próbaidöre valaki beköltözhetett hogy beváli-e ilyen teszt napra gondolok ezek az én gondolataim

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Promoted today :grin:

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Seems she was aproved and doing cleaning jobs already :grin:

She still has to learn the right cleaning attire though :joy::sparkling_heart:

Probably not on the pay roll yet for that

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Tali took over:

This one will get archived.

Why I’m not even surprised again; another bulls__t place failed :rofl:


She looks smoking hot :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::fire::fire:

Looking forward to Silver being back without Finley… :heart:

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