Finley & Francesca

Это лишь мое субъективное мнение от услышанного, и если я окажусь не прав, то готов извититься.

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Support will check on it now.

Unfortunately, it is well known that Chatroulette is used for propaganda. There is a good article in German about it.

Sprechen mit dem Feind: “Bald wird die Ukraine sowieso uns gehören” -

Well stupid if you use it. The whole thing is now under investigation.

I am writing, Francesca.
But I’m very interested in what exactly got you so hooked? What is the problem that we are people and have our own views and opinions on different situations?
We had a guest, our friend, and we had a personal dialogue with him, or do we no longer have the right to do this if someone else hears us? Should we conform to the majority opinion?
What exactly do you want to know from support? Feel free to ask us questions.
If you listened to our conversations so carefully, then why didn’t you hear that WE ARE AGAINST THE WAR!?


Because things like that happened before at other places and I do not think the guy bringing it up does it to annoy you. He for sure has his reasons.

What does that mean? You admit that you talked like that? Sure you can have your view and opinions. But certain ones like talking like the Russian propaganda does will have certain consequences.

If you mean with that that you should not believe in the Russian propaganda then yes.

Checking as a neutral party what you said and if it is in accordance to the project rules.

I did not understand anything. I made that ticket to investigate what the other guy heard.

Let me ask you the question now why you get kind of angry? If you did not say anything like that there is nothing to worry about for you… :wink:

It annoys me that any other person’s opinion that does not agree with yours, and at the moment this is a topic for politics, and everything for you is Russian propaganda. So why write that “You have your own personal opinion”? . You condemn essentially for this . You write to support to figure it out. Do you have your own opinion ? Or do you at least understand that not everyone should support your position ?
I don 't hang Russian symbols around the apartment , even though I live here . But it was only worth talking about it - so everything is bad.
So why don’t I immediately write to people with my position and in support of those who have the flags of Ukraine and America hanging? It may not be pleasant for me to watch. And if you know the rules of VH so well, then symbolism is prohibited, but others disdain these rules defiantly, and you don’t care about it.
And we can’t even talk…
Please respect the opinions and views of others.


Let’s close this topic. Because it won’t lead to anything. I don’t want to write poems and prove something. I understand that I won’t be able to convince you, and I have no desire. I will also remain with my opinion.
But I’m simply telling you that there are a billion people in the world and everyone has the right to think as they see fit. Because if all people thought alike, it would just be a herd. And so everyone can say that he is a person. And only an individual can have his own opinion, thoughts, views, and the right to vote. Appreciate this.

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I will only say as much that VHTV clearly stated the companies position on the day after the war started. The fact that more than an hour got removed from the timeline from last night is proof enough for me that what you did not was not according to the rules.

Why don’t you like the flags of Ukraine and America? :see_no_evil::man_facepalming:

You should be careful what you write here. Very thin ice…

Now you can move all these posts to the chat thread

Hmmm… nightmare… oh well, I hope you are happy and calm now :blush:

Still there for me.

Well you are working for VHTV and as doing that you have to abide to the companies policy. If you do not you have to face the consequences…

Nope it is about this apartment and participants.

Definitely gone…

Are there any threats? Ahaha


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

20 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

It is definitely missing. Watch the time