Finley & Francesca

Everything as always, except that she no longer has an online apartment. But other than that, things have gotten worse rather than better.

Oh the drama Lyla returns and get super hammered and has to be lifted out. Man she needs AA.

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People will eventually stop allowing her to visit. She ruins it for everyone, Every Single Time.

This is actually hard to watch.


Hopelijk bekijkt ze haar eigen domme heden :rage:

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Queen is an absolutely beautiful girl and if she could see that, perhaps she may have a bit more respect for herself. It is clear she may have a problem with a_____l and it is hard to watch the videos showing her u_________s due to _____ing a_____l to excess. It is also dangerous when someone is in that state because without supervision they could easily s_______e through c_____g on their own v___t. Please get some professional help Queen.

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Ik heb van dat meisje ( Lyla ,Queen ) gehouden om ze te volgen . ( ieder zijn mening ) .
Maar na wat ik vanavond heb gezien en heb verstaan , is dat toch de druppel …
Ze kan heel lief zijn , maar eens de drank in Lyla , Queen is staat er geen maat op .
En veranderd ze in duivelin
En _____t zich gewoon in coma .
Inderdaad die heeft dringend , maar ik zeg wel hoog dringend hulp nodig .

En ja ik ben nog niet zolang lid

ach joh… je hebt assepoester nog, misschien dat zij de ware is?

She has to be careful as the world she looks to inhabit is full of men who will use and a___e her and only think how they can hurt her.

She has 3 years experience of that happening, but she doesn’t learn. This makes one think that she might actually like it

Interesting :thinking: we have posts moved from Queens topic to F&F topic for speaking about Queen, but yet others are speaking about Queen and they are in F&F topic, what’s worse there was one of them pointing out that our posts should be moved, a clear case of double standards here I think. :man_shrugging:

I get that since you moved to RLC might be a little bit behind, so let me help with this: Queen visited F & F yesterday for a BBQ party as a guest, everything commented in both Topics are related to what happened yesterday at the party, which, by any logic, should be on this topic as the party was at F & F place and she was just a guest like any other guest visiting, don’t you agree? :thinking:

So what part of this has to do with the party? :thinking:

If you follow the comments upwards you will understand (hopefully)

You’re welcome :hugs:

the wild kissing part must have hurt someone. :thinking:

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I did and all it is that your speaking about Lyla (Queen) and the state the girl has got in, which has nothing to do with F&F, so shake yourself out of your fantasy land that you live in and get into the real world. :grin:

Just leave it, you will get more sense by doing the below

Talk Talking To Myself GIF by Facepunch Studios

Jock, i only made ONE comment about the visit and the Queen… a single one…try again my old friend :hugs:

Now, have a nice day on RLC :hugs: :kissing_heart:

He still can’t understand that I can split screen and watch RLC and be in the VHTV chat at the same time. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Leave the poor guy alone. He barely figured out how to sign up for the forum. He’s been making a lot progress learning how to use this new thing we call the internet.