I don’t even think Camarads have these ISP and electrical issues as VHTV does, and camarads are shite!
I have to stop giving this company my fucking money.
She may have been named Fennec because of her association with Fox, and this:
The fennec fox is a small crepuscular fox native to the deserts of North Africa, ranging from Western Sahara and Mauritania to the Sinai Peninsula. Its most distinctive feature is its unusually large ears, which serve to dissipate heat and listen for underground prey. The fennec is the smallest fox species.
That is perfectly right.
This is where it happened. 25 days ago.
Welcome on in Fennec
Do you think penis size inversely proportional to duration? The bigger the penis the more sensitive it is so it doesn’t last as long? Or does it have to do with the sensitivity of the glans?
better ask a biologist
My very personal opinion, which I certainly couldn’t have had at that age: young men would do well to learn, or be taught, that their own pleasure shouldn’t be the main focus… that happens automatically.
At that age, boys are usually/often quick ejaculators whether they want to or not… so they have to or should ensure the girl’s pleasure before and after… then 2-4 minutes of ‘real’ sex are no problem, for both of them
4 минуты - это не две минуты
И даже не 30 секунд )))
да, мы видели и хуже, это правда… но и намного лучше.
назовем его расширяемым…
What you said is indeed correct, but I did some research. First of all, whether a man is circumcised or not will directly affect the sensitivity of the glans. Usually men without foreskin reduce the sensitivity because the glans is rubbed all the time, so they can penetrate longer not ejaculation ; Secondly, this has a certain relationship with innate heredity. I agree that last longer can be achieved through practice. Of course, foreplay is also very important. From my experience, I enjoy foreplay, but I enjoy pound by hard penis more. The hardness, speed and temperature cannot be compared with fingers or toys. Of course this is just my personal opinion. If it was just a hookup, I wouldn’t really enjoy the 4 minutes of sex. because that is mean I just started but he’s already finished, better have no sex if like this.
Один раз мой секс длился 15 секунд
Это было очень жарко
that’s why AC is really important during the summer sex
Это было зимой