Isn’t it time to change names again? Ezekiel left the place days ago already. @kaya
Where was this photo taken as there is no view of a river from their apartment even from the Loggia?
I do not know. I assume it is a private photo posted on Vhtv TG channel for advertising purposes
Her name is Fisa_mur.
All that I can find on that name relates to The Foreign Services Act
- FISA stands for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It is a US federal law which was passed in 1978, with the mandate of establishing the procedures to be taken in the event of physical or electronic surveillance, when collecting intelligence information about persons suspected of being foreign spies or being involved in terrorism. In May 18, 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy introduced th…
Try Fisa Mur then
Sure, let’s wait for a tenant (new or old) to come
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She is on Facebook but as Kaya has said let us wait for confirmation
Fisa is usually used as a a diminutive to Russian name Anfisa
Thank you for the clarification of the name,. As the saying goes everyday is a school day
What happened to Tiziana? they were good!
Have no idea who is tiziana but this management lately is only about
this girl.