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I haven’t paid much attention to this apt but the bedroom has got some action going on now.

There would be a lot going on in the bedroom if the boy took the stupid cell phone out of her hand and threw it out the window. I find it impossible that she keeps staring at the stupid cell phone while he struggles with her.

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This apartment has gone weird and completely out of control. People are running in and out, to and fro, new people coming in all the time. Sometimes people try quick, mandatory love-making or card-playing. What could be the reason?

Finally a moment with only boys inside. A guest jerking off in the bedroom three times tonight.
But I still miss Dawid!!!

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jolie seins

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Why lindsay keep on visiting here alone without her boyfriend Lawrence…. Is she waiting for any one of guys to fuck her…. Is she doesn’t know how these guys are…. :sweat_smile:
other guy keep trying on her…

Evan is trying in the absence of larysa and her boyfriend Lawrence……in the bedroom

OMG! This cannot be true! This is something:
Larysa and Lawrence in bed together and in close contact!
I was totally wrong when I wrote earlier that she hates him.
Maybe this apartment has some hope for better days and
most of all nights. Im getting enthusiastic!
:open_mouth: :blush: :yum: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

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for only 1 minute they are together… before and after that evan and lindsay was there…

why are there all this old people there all the time

old. what are you asking for 15-year-olds :stuck_out_tongue:
don’t let the beard fool ya :wink:

Whom do mean by “this old people”?
Do you dislike old people?
Before you notice, you will be yourself one of “this old people”!


Why is the night cam still on? It’s the afternoon there.

Looked like this old guy did pretty damn good :relieved:

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That the old guy that always there im talking about



Lo vogliamo riportare Dawid si o no?