Ok, thank you for answering my question.
He doesn’t have to issue anything
Why shouldn’t he? Are you sayng it is beneath him to do so?
I’m saying exactly what you’ve read: he is not obliged to say anything whatsoever;
Then questions will remain unanswered until someone fronts up to answer them.
There are no any questions; you can watch it or go away;
I don’t watch this apartment anyway, haven’t done so since that awful incident.
Good, it’s not a loss;
But I can still comment in the forum!
You may not see it as a loss, but other viewers have also chosen to walk away as well, so collectively, it is a loss.
Of course, you can, but the bottom line is, you’re wasting your time demanding from the vhtv explaining their decisions;
When we’ve redirected concerns about a_____l here previous time I’ve been told there is no ban for new participants
But Asher now Evan isn’t a new participant, he is the same physical individual, he’s just changed his name.
The global population has reached roughly 7.7 billion, then why you and your useless collective do reckon to be any kind of special, huh? Any particular reason?
This has also been included to former inquiry
You really are a twit, but that’s your probelm not mine. If you can’t understand how fewer people following an apartment can have an impact on it’s income, then it’s not worth my while trying to have an intelligent conversation with you. Bye!
Thanks for the clarification.
HI, I dont go here now, when they left yesterday shame it was not in a police van from what i saw that night.I think your banging your head against the wall as this is business and they can actually do whatever they want to to make apartment viable ,so id save your breath.
new lady here?
Just remember, there’s probably about 20 people who won’t watch them anymore and rightfully so in their eyes. Then there’s the thousands who don’t give a s__t (also, rightfully so) about what happened and will continue to view it because it’s all about voyeurism and watching good looking young people fuck and only a small proportion of members are even in the forums. So, vhtv probably, when it comes down to it. Don’t care either. It’s just the nature of the business.
Thank you for the clarification. The people currently living in the apartment are therefore the “final” participants.
There are no restrictions for all participants and guests.