Emergency Numbers

I have never sent an email, however, i have witnessed and documented instances where peeps at VHTV could not make their minds up and tried very hard to minimize the situation. Period

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admin give jabba a big gold star , but got to admit they are pretty quick .i sent a ticket in once to say i think i was getting screwed on my allowance days , they answered to b___dy quick didnt give me time to build a defence case :rofl:

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You give me an idea. Maybe they will help me even quicker when I have a problem with my ISP or some stupid German bureaucracy and they can solve the problem for me???

@kaya Maybe an idea to offer a support premium service who will solve all your problems for you? :joy: :joy:

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Thank you for clarifying anyway. Though I can’t change your overall impression, I just hope you’ll never have any single ticket with us to complain about (and don’t hesitate to talk to our support in future, we are always here to do our best to help!)


By email only😎

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And here ls the problem you turn a serious subject into a joke. You need to look at your previous comments in Dec 21 ref violence in realm 91. 90% of the time answered in 30 mins the other 10% is too late to action but don’t worry if someone is k__led or r__ed that doesn’t matter we are the BEST SUPPORT EVER… @Kayla sorry but if I phone and say look at realm 91 for violence or r__e that take less that 5 seconds not minutes, but I will leave it here as obviously your participation safety is at lot less level than mine.

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Okay I will send all the documents tomorrow for doing my tax return declaration :rofl::rofl:

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it would be nice if there was a way to notify participants that a person is sick…as happened with sergio…saw him die live… :cry: :cry:

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Not sure if a phone number would help much.

One idea, could be implementing “ping” function to admins.
Similar to what can be found on CB, SC, and so on. There is a small cowheel in the corner, (about the same place as taking a screenshot is) to send report to site about a___e, age, and so on .

If this cogwheel future where design to notice admin about something urgent, not like “this camera have fallen down” I think it could be an good alternative

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