Eliza, Queen

I am not talking bs. Everyone can clearly see that almost all the comments you have been making here the last few days have been jokes at or about Queen. She no longer does the love story you want from her, so now you make fun of her…

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Who is the new guy? :thinking: he looks familiar :man_shrugging:

If he needs a name I suggest Dick :heart:


Uh oh this realm’s Bogeyman man has returned. :scream:

I hope not too many people will be upset…

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Forged passport alert :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Who are the girls there?

Well Seth, after accusing me that i have put her on a much higher pedestral than deserved, backing her and her actions while you been tearing her apart almost non stop for 7 months, now you accusing me of not doing so anymore…can you please make your mind up? :shushing_face::zipper_mouth_face:

Possibly part of the recent crackdown on ‘documentation’ seen at ‘hut’ apartment.

And the cat is the only truly loyal and devoted one in there :wink: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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Yes that is exactly what you have done and are now doing. It is not me who needs to make up my mind about Queen but you.

I have not been tearing her apart. I have only stated that I think she _____s to much and the loves story between Wayne & Queen was not as perfect as many people were making it out to be.

The one with long hair seems familiar, the other not really, but i struggle on the phone

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And here… :thinking:

You’re back on the “funny” mood… lol so much bs you talking today :joy::joy::joy:

Luckily, i am busy, so we’ll stop now :zipper_mouth_face:

EDIT: Fixed the Typo and made Seth happy :roll_eyes:

I rather think the one with short hair is the familiar one…

This one I mean:

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It doesn’t matter if it is a fake or not, VHTV won’t know the difference as I doubt they have access to a system that will be able to check it

You’re a man’s butt hole??

:peach: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

:face_v___ting: :face_v___ting: :face_v___ting:


Oh, look it’s Benadick. :rofl:

Very interesting… she was the one who got _____ and went crazy at parties.

This girl has always behaved irresponsibly. What changed…??? :thinking:

. she’s not _____ and tidies up the party. ?*

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