Eliza, Queen

What have we learned in the last 24 hours?

If you go to visit her, jerkoff twice first.


Perhaps he also comes around as a paying customer?

Sorry to say she’s totally _____…

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If I were Wayne, Usain Bolt would look like an old man on crutches.

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Eagle has landed.


the niet, this time capitulated dead deceased

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Finally. About time. A whole night just for that. Let’s hope he can last long…

da da da :rofl:

So who will be next? :joy:

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You didn’t trust the a_____l, and you wanted to get rid of it. Trust someone who has been there, a_____l removes all barriers :+1:

azzzz… wayne! who is wayne, sorry thoughts of the queen! :rofl: :rofl:

Talon is the better fucker. Even when _____ :joy: :joy:

He’s gona demolish her.

She got more and more in the “mood” with songs …

As I said, it seems that one has chosen a direction. … now any partners have to decide whether to go in this direction …

I think she’s going to be an alisa pre alec this, place
However… :rofl:

Alec? Not sure if Alisa will allow that. I am rooting for Isidor :joy:

Maybe she is sober again after it ? :joy: :joy: