Eliza, Queen

Alec has my blessing…let him fuck her if she wants…I’m no longer surprised at what’s happening here…

Alec is already preparing…

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Are you ok, or have stopped completely following this Realm?

here we are and weyne cuckolded again, not even the sky stops her

The latter… :wink:

I would al well see in a film by Rocco Siffredi… never say never :smirk:

That makes sense although your comment is completely not making any :wink:

I bet the cuckold comes tomorrow morning again if alec fucks her

Honestly, I don’t watch this monkey circus anymore. I do check in from time to time, but most of the time the pictures are similar to last time.

I’m waiting for better times and better participants… :wink:

and if wayne went to get alisa wow that would be a spectacular script :scream:

Why the new profile, NotSeth?

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All posted pics are much of a muchness gets a bit boring after a while.

And then qeen should say to alisa, “you’ll thank me tomorrow” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well, in this case, there is not much i am willing to say publicly :hugs:

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ah alec is smart he fucks her off cameras :face_with_hand_over_mouth: keep time

Brilliant, i must admit :joy: :joy: :joy:

noooooo i wish i could have seen when they crossed paths :face_with_head_bandage:

eh time passes… who knows what that landing is seeing

look at the mouth if it is dirty with milk

eh again she’s getting screwed over again, and in the meantime she takes advantage of every little quarrel to jump on the dics… wayne I’ll give you a tip that will pay you a lot, get out of vhtv and act as her manager :+1:

falling on hard times :grin: