Eliza, Queen

Flora seems to live a few houses away… :sweat_smile:

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It is not tiresome. It is about bringing the actual truth up to the surface. As it is. That is what this is all about. :slight_smile:

And we are actually not all idiots, gone away, stupid and deluded who everyone of us should be on mental hospitals. That is the thousand dollar underlined point. :slight_smile:

Let me think about it… giving three days … :rofl:

:sparkling_heart: :heart:


Ich spekuliere mal, da ich die Sprache nicht kann, dass Isidore um Unterschlupf gebeten hat, da er keine Lust hat wieder auf dem Boden zu schlafen. Hat mir aber nicht danach ausgesehen, dass die Beiden willkommen wären


à quoi ça sert de changer de nom car elle continue à montrer son cul… ou faut-il aussi donner un autre nom à ce dernier pour ne déstabiliser cette jeune et si pure mademoiselle :laughing:

I for one don’t understand why some have to keep belaboring the fact that there was name change(s). And @robwin when it comes to contracts 'we" as end users have no idea what is all involved in a legal contract when it comes to VHTV and the participants, members of the site have to realize this.

I will say some of us had a little fun with the name change to include myself. But there are more important things in life then to keep on complaining about it and move on.

wenn ihr Faye seht oder Spitzname Trisha) bitte schreibt in wecher wohnung sie gerade gast ist danke

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Queen’s been working on her nails and makeup all afternoon. Ben must be coming over for a visit. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

At least Karina doesn’t seem to have anyone here to make her food, like Flora does. Self-cooking is the order of the day here… :sweat_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:


Karina’s body is pretty good. She’s got the all stuff right there. :face_with_peeking_eye:


Don’t worry pal i have moved on, call her what you like. :laughing:


But, when that is said. I am actually very glad that Faye still is a part of the project. To get that said once and for all. :hugs: :hugs:

She has one hell of an ass that girl. Karina. :slight_smile:

:heart: :heart_eyes: :heart:


Thank you, nice one :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This is the girl i have always loved to watch :heart_eyes: :heart:

This is how happiness looks like