Eliza, Queen

Well, Goldie is not really the best example of a full time mom. She left her c___d and returned to Vhtv to do some porn together with Vanessa.

I can’t comment on Nina & Kira as i don’t follow them

Goldie was a bit different as she basically washed her hands of him while Schifler brought him up and cared for him while she carried on with her _____en existence.

Exactly. That’s why i can not take Goldie as a reference. Personally, i have hard times to call her a m____r.

Wasn’t that Stiffler? And maybe that is why we haven’t seen Wayne since the last relocation, Queen has him preparing himself to take the boy, while she returns to the life she enjoys.
I would not be surprised to hear that she rejoins Flora as a Berry-girl on CB!

Yeah you are right, twas Stiffler, could remember how he sort of sounded but not the spelling of his name :laughing:
I hope Queen takes her m____rhood seriously but wouldn’t be surprised to see another scenario.

Why is Siska s___ping in the bathroom sink?

:scream_cat: :crying_cat_face: :scream_cat: :crying_cat_face:

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I don’t know the reason, but looks like cats enjoy staying or s___ping in the sink. I seen it in many Realms.

I remember Roza’s cat was doing all the time. Also the black one from Realm 52 does it non stop

I guess American sinks just are not comfortable enough, I had cats most of my life none ever slept in a sink!

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Wenn Queen ihre Mutterschaft ernst nähme, dann hätte sie längst das rauchen aufgehört.

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Here’s a article for you guys hope this answer your questions :hugs:

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for the butt lovers …



OK My brain started running thru its tattoo catalogue and the name Kelys popped up, Was that her?

Yes the other girl is Kelys

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You might also remember Astrid’s cat doing the same thing, when they were staying with Aderyn in his old apartment AND also in Guido and Astrid’s bathroom.

A boy for Eliza ? :thinking:


Yes, you are totally right David. And not only her cat. I seen many cats doing the same. No idea why to be honest

Yes, I have seen others do it too (it was just that Astrid’s was the main one I remembered watching) and it remains a mystery to me also, as to why it happens.

I guess we need a cat expert to explain it to us…

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PCF found this to help us understand a little bit,


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Sorry not to be about talking about cats. The mention of Goldie _____ing a little too much and wanting to have sex, is what I lived for years ago. But I don’t condone not being responsible with her c___d… Long live _____ sluts!