Eliza, Queen

I basically wrote that. They let their friend the CEO ban her as she wanted to change managers.

That is why I am surprised the place is still online :joy:

I think Flora herself has more influence than her managers, maybe she has intimate ties with the owners of the site?

Of course You know better, Jabbath1987 but I donā€™t underestimate Flora, abilities will be of interesting

Now, yes, thatā€™s exactly what i knew as well.

You still did not learn my name? :roll_eyes::joy:

Thatā€™s all folks, the tragedy is over :slightly_smiling_face:

Most likely banned again :rofl::rofl:

i really hope that it stays over

I didnā€™t follow Floraā€™s Realms, But she is Beautiful she had perfect figure for pictures She left politely, she told us when she will leave not like some others participants of other realms

If you want to stay over, wouldnā€™t be better if you stop talking about it ? :wink:

P.S: There isnā€™t any tragedy because she visited Queen for few minutes

Iā€™d love to know where this information is coming from

Sorry Jabbath1987 Of course I knowā€¦ but itā€™s very early here Iā€™ll make coffee to wake up !! :coffee: :coffee:

Iā€™m re-reading but I still donā€™t understand, it seems so illogical. Flora visited participants under a different manager from who she was under when she was a participant so her former managers got her banned (but she was able to return anyway?) and is one of the reasons why a handful of subscribers might detest Flora? It doesnā€™t make sense and how do these arbitrary ā€œrulesā€ effect who VHTV has as participants, it seems like they are shooting them selves in the foot to ā€œbanā€ people who might, at one time or another, wanted to be on the website.

Can anyone show me where I have misunderstood this theory?

The whole thing is quite simple. Many flats have external managers, and almost all managers also work together on an exchange basis. Through visits or changing participants ā€¦

There is a pair of managers who are a little more specialised ā€¦ and see some things differently ā€¦ Participants from other managers can switch to this manager ā€¦ However, they would rather block their own participants than let them join a ā€œcompetitorā€ ā€¦

Certain participants may be less popular because they have two faces ā€¦


Es ist die Frage, ob Flora noch einem Wettbewerbsverbot unterliegt und ob eine KarrenzentschƤdigung bezahlt wird.

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Itchi wants to cuddle with Queen but he like what are you doing :rofl:


Wie gesagt, Besuche sind in der Regel immer erlaubt ā€¦ Ich glaube ich verrate keine Geheimnisse wenn man sagte, das Medea & Dennis verschiedene Manager haben/hatten und dennoch Medea Dennis besucht hatte ā€¦

Es ist eigentlich das Ziel laut Homepage das die Wohnungen sich austauschen ā€¦ manche denken aber dann das hier vielleicht Geld verloren ginge ā€¦

You mean this is the farewell tour ā€¦

Which flat is next? Harmony? Medea? :joy:

Nothing of that sortā€¦