Eliza, Queen

Life always beats the movie :laughing:

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It is now Scratchy, formerly known as Itchy.

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Iā€™m just curious if Wayne is the king now, or if he just remains the jester of the queenā€¦ :roll_eyes:

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Itā€™s beyond my possibilities of making any comments now

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King leaving already?

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Queen :thinking:

Fitting :thinking:

Appropriate :thinking:

Blasphemy :thinking:

Delusional :thinking:

10 characters :thinking:

He is called Boomarang ie: Golo/Wayne and his friend is named Benadick ie: Ben the best friendā€¦

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Iā€™m an investigative journalist. :rofl:

I guess we have the answer


Ok Sethā€¦ Ops Justyn i meant :hugs:

king leaving ben coming :rofl:

Thatā€™s called an open relationshipā€¦

You donā€™t want to say that heā€™s a cock hold :thinking:

Open to whom :question:
Just wondering. :thinking:

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so I am assuming wayne is queen now :laughing:

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Hey everyone,

Due to the inconsistencies related to the data in the contract of this participant, we had to re-sign it with them properly and, unfortunately, had to revoke the previous name associated with this participant.

Sorry for inconvenience. We made sure to we minimize similar occasions in the future.
We also are working on possibility of restoring previous forum threads.


Ist dass Lyla ?

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Prescribing at the date can happenā€¦

And there I was thinking Wayne had been conscripted. Glad I was wrong.

Well seems someone is going to be busy in the archives thenā€¦

Ohh Squish, seems to me that you not been following previous thread ?