The long haired guy is hot and it looks like he will be staying the apartment.
They last shared a photo in which they were wearing a ring.
did juliet & pablo video get removed?
nevermind i found it
127 comments of…NOTHING
They spent the whole night tying each other up. It was boring.
Umzug nach nicht mal 24 Stunden
I wonder how many weeks or days it will take
Maybe it was a disposable apartment that can be slept in once and then must be discarded
Like, I know it sounds dumb but this would be the only explanation that would make sense to me
New record? After 18 hours…
Maybe they were going for the record. Sometimes you just want an accomplishment. Like any accomplishment.
Yesterday they knocked on the door and had problems with the neighbors. After that they stopped the music and Radu and the new participant made a phone call in the bedroom. It could possibly be the landlord.
Maybe it would help if VHTV gave free premium subscriptions to the landlords, so they could always see that everything is in order with their property…
I know it’s a bit off topic but she showed up to a party at Dexter and Kelly with a guy if I remember correctly. I don’t know if that was before or after that picture was shared.
could you post it here i cannot find it
alecia apartment november 7th 2018
kind of lame that they muted it though
Well I guess I should not have said anything. Now she is already relocating